Dijous Bo
© Redacción Book Style
Es Raiguer (Centro Isla) Es Pla (Centro Isla)

Every November Dijous Bo is held, Inca’s most important fair, which brings together hundreds of artisans and producers in an enormous open-air market.

According to some historians, Dijous Bo is one of the oldest fairs in Mallorca, with origins that may go back as far as the 14th century. It is held at Inca on the fourth Thursday after the Sunday following the festival of Sant Lluc (18th October), and on the three previous Sundays three more thematic fairs take place. In olden days, it was a holiday where the peasantry of the whole island gathered and —like today— an important market was held selling food, tools and domestic animals.

Today Dijous Bo maintains its rural essence with events such as a traditional autochthonous breeds competition, with prizes for the best specimens of the Mallorcan red sheep or black pig, among others. You will find hundreds of stalls selling crafts, local products, clothes and accessories there. And it has a notably recreational side to it, with workshops, exhibitions, conferences and concerts being organised on the days leading up to the fair itself.