On the first Sunday of May the carts are decorated and women wear their traditional jewellery in the most popular fiestas of the municipality.
“Anar a Maig” is the local name for these fiestas held on the first Sunday in May in Santa Eulària des Riu. A parade of decorated carts, traditional folklore, shows, exhibitions and numerous recreational activities carry on throughout the whole month.
The floral displays bear witness to the eruption of spring, but according to legend the origin of these festivals lies in the miracle that occurred centuries ago, on this very date, in the “Esglèsia Vella”, the village’s first chapel. When mass had concluded, the faithful left the chapel and heard a loud noise that caused the church to collapse completely, falling down the cliff into the sea with no victims. This event was interpreted as a miracle and ever since, this festivity has been commemorated in Santa Eulària.